Beulé, Les monnaies d'Athènes (Paris, 1858), pp. 15-6, 30-1, Cousinéry, Voyage dans la Macédoine II (Paris, 1831), pp. 123, 128-9, (line drawings of some types), Köhler, AM 1884, p. 358, Mionnet II (1807), pp. 112-3, Mommsen, Hist. de la monnaie romaine I (Paris, 1865), p. 72, note 1, Seltman, Athens, p. 146
Robinson, Olynthus III, pp. 8-12, illus., Robinson-Clement, Olynthus IX, pp. 165-6 (hd. 1), Schwabacher, AJA 1938, pp. 70-2 (authenticity of Sermyle coin)
AR: Uncertain count noted in IGCH including 1 [uncertain], which has been counted as 1. Then, the total count comes to 1 coin of a group of at least 2+ coins
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