Descripción del tesoro
- Depósito: 330 B.C.-320 B.C.
- Descubierto: 1929
- Disposición: New York 3 Philips and Sicyon? (see below)
- Descripción: Tetradracma: 10, Estatera: 8+
- Descripción: Pyrgos, near Olympia, Elis
- Falls Within: Pýrgos (Greece)
- Tipo: inhabited places
- Nota: Information from C. Seltman and a Greek correspondent
- Nota: Another portion of this (?) hd. is said to have consisted of Locri Opuntii 1 st., Sicyon 15 st. and 63 dr., Elis 3 st. Sixteen triob. of Sicyon, labelled by Newell "Hoard 1928," may belong to this find