Описание клада
- Депозит: 334 B.C.-330 B.C.
- Открытие: 1905
- Размещение: Taranto 76 (incl. nearly all the non-Tarentine above); Vlasto 50 (Cat. 297, 359, 379, 391-2, 395, 399, 400-1, 410, 422, 426, 467, 490, 496, 503, 505, 508-9, 511, 517, 519, 523, 539-40, 542, 544-6, 550-2, 554-5, 557-8, 1239, 1244-5, 1247-8, 1251, 1255-7, 1261-2, 1266, 1268, 1300); Lloyd 5 (SNG 161, 174, 178-9, 341); Jameson 1 (Cat. 138); New York 7-11 (4-5 Taras: SNG 864, 900, 902, 915, 969 ?; 3 Metapontum?: SNG 283, 297, 314; 3 Thurium: SNG 987, 1032-3). (Some of the New York pieces may be from the Ionian Shore 1908 hd., no. 1916 above)
- Описание: Stater: 115+, Diobol: 16
Место находки
- Описание: Carosino, 15 km. E of Taranto, Calabria
- Falls Within: Carosino (Italy)
- Тип: inhabited places
- Ссылка: Evans, NC 1912, pp. 45, 51, note 61
- Ссылка: Vlasto, NC 1926, pp. 218-22
- Ссылка: Quagliati, AttiMemIIN 6 (1930), pp. 3-45, illus.
- Ссылка: Stazio, AIIN 1965-7, pp. 39-40
- Ссылка: Kraay, ANSMN 16 (1970), pp. 23-30
- Примечание: The total c. 230 is that given by Noe; it seems not to be found in any of his printed sources. Noe also recorded Corinth, Leucas and Ambracia for this hd., but these mints seem to have been mistakenly transferred from the Ionian Shore hd. (no. 1916): see Kraay, ANSMN 16
- Примечание: A second coin of Terina believed by Evans (p. 45) to be from this hd. was later shown by Vlasto to be intrusive